Tuesday, 26 September 2017

Rajakaluve: Determination of types of Rajakaluve

Rajakaluve is nothing but water resources and flow of water in to the lake,canal, pond or any accumulated water ground. This Rajakaluve and it's resources along with lake could be seen in the old Village Map. The identification of Rajakaluve in the village Map is very easy and it has been marked as "Saravu" for small nala and "Kaluve" for Midium or big nalas. However, now most of the "Saravu" (small nala) can't be seen in the Comprensive Development Plan or Outline Development Plan and also Rajakaluve Encroachment reports published in the BBMP Websites which supersede over the Village Map as confirmed by the High Courtin many cases. The kannada word "Nala" is nothing but "Canal or Rajakaluve" within the municipality area. As far as the Rajakaluve determination is concerned that there are three types of Rajakaluve viz., 1. Primary Rajakaluve 2. Secondary Rajakaluve and 3. Territory Rajakaluve. 

The survey began in 2011.As per norms, the width of a primary drain (rajakaluve) should be 22ft, secondary drain 16 ft and tertiary drain 6-9 ft. As per the Revised Master Plan 2015 issued by the BBMP,the buffer zone to be maintained for primary, secondary and tertiary drains are 50 metres, 25 m and 15 m respectively (published in Times of India on Aug 02.2016).

As per the National Green Tribunal OrderThus, we direct that the distance in the case of Respondents Nos. 9 and 10 from Rajkulewas,Waterbodies and wetlands shall be maintained as below:-
(i) In the case of Lakes, 75m from the periphery of water body to be maintained as green belt and buffer
zone for all the existing water bodies i.e. lakes/wetlands.
(ii) 50m from the edge of the primary Rajkulewas.
(iii)35m from the edges in the case of secondary Rajkulewas
(iv) 25m from the edges in the case of tertiary Rajkulewas

This buffer/green zone would be treated as no construction zone for all intent and purposes. This is absolutely essential for the purposes of sustainable development particularly keeping in mind the ecology and environment of the areas in question.

To contemplate encroachment of rajakaluve, people can visit http://www.rajakaluve.org and BBMP official websites and http://landrecords.karnataka.gov.in/service3/

By virtue of Order passed by the Hon'ble Supreme Court, NGT guidelines towards Rajakaluve and Lake bufferzone has been  quashed. 

For More Clarification Please do call: +91 9845638531.